People are a critical component of effective cybersecurity. As technology and cyber threats continue to evolve, continuing education is essential for owners and employees alike. Our one-hour remote HIPAA security refresher is only $125 and meets HIPAA awareness and training requirements.
Annual HIPAA Training
Our Annual Security Refresher course is tailored to the needs of audiologists and staff. This live, one-hour (plus unlimited questions), video teleconference covers best practices against the most relevant and contemporary cyber threats. This course is different from other HIPAA training. While some websites offer free online training, these courses are often dry and generic, and almost never include practical advice for addressing real-world scenarios in audiology. This course is taught by a cybersecurity expert who has tailored the course to your needs and can answer your questions during the course. This engaging approach makes the training more effective and memorable so that information is understood, remembered, and followed.

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